WordPress developers: passwords reset required for WordPress.org site (forums, codex, etc)

This message is only applicable for: WordPress developers and those who have an account on WordPress.org site (forums, codex, etc). Or those who have any of the plugins mentioned below.

Earlier today the WordPress team noticed suspicious commits to several popular plugins (AddThis, WPtouch, and W3 Total Cache) containing cleverly disguised backdoors. We determined the commits were not from the authors, rolled them back, pushed updates to the plugins, and shut down access to the plugin repository while we looked for anything else unsavory.

Weā€™re still investigating what happened, but as a prophylactic measure weā€™ve decided to force-reset all passwords on WordPress.org. To use the forums, trac, or commit to a plugin or theme, youā€™ll need to reset your password to a new one. (Same for bbPress.org and BuddyPress.org.)

As a user, make sure to never use the same password for two different services, and we encourage you not to reset your password to be the same as your old one.

Second, if you use AddThis, WPtouch, or W3 Total Cache and thereā€™s a possibility you could have updated in the past day, make sure to visit your updates page and upgrade each to the latest version.

via WordPress ā€ŗ Passwords Reset.

WordCamp UK in Manchester

NOTE: This was posted on the MWUG mailing list by Mike a few days ago. I am posting it here again for anyone not on the mailing list.

In case you hadn’t heard, WordCamp UK is coming to Manchester.Ā TheĀ unconferenceĀ  is being held on the weekend of July 17th and 18th at theĀ Manchester Metropolitan University Business School.

Tickets are on sale now http://2010.wordcampuk.org/tickets/, and all ticket sales end at 1100 (am) on Sunday 11 July 2010. Thatā€™s Ā£30 for two full days of meeting fellow WordPress users, publishers, designers, and developers.

There areĀ four simultaneous tracks this year: General & user, Specialist & developer, Miscellaneous & spontaneous and a ā€˜Genius Barā€™ (a range of WordPress experts available to advice attendees on a one-to-one basis).

Mike be presenting on Sunday. Heā€™ll probably hang around the Genius bar at times too.

I’ll be taking part on the WordHack sessions and also help Shaun with co-ordination. If you’re interested in taking part in this year’s WordHack add your project idea.

Don’t worry you don’t need technical expertise to suggest an idea. If you run a WordPress site/blog but don’t know how to solve a business problem you should suggest it.

It will be a great weekend, if you are a WordPress user, developer, or designer, or are just considering using WordPress you should come along.

This user group is helping to organise theĀ unofficialĀ social on the Friday night before the event for people who are arriving a day early.

You can find out latest on WordCamp UK via Twitter(@wordcampuk).

We look forward to seeing you there.